Servant of the Night Lords Read online
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If she could find a way to get closer to the lords, perhaps as one of their bedmates, she would have a better chance of getting what she needed.
The next moonrise she finally got the courage to ask Madam Bree why she couldn’t serve like the rest of the women.
“Oh? Getting an itch for Nightkin are you?” Madam Bree laughed. “You truly surprise me sometimes, girl. You act skittish and aloof most of the time and now you want to join the others? What, so you can squeak and tremble at every Nightkin who touches you? Bah.” Madam waved a hand at her. “Besides. Lord Tyris has forbidden it.”
“He has?” Danielle’s eyes grew wide. “But… why?”
“It is not my place to understand or question his orders. But, if I had to guess, it’s because you’d rile too many folks up.”
Danielle frowned. “I don’t understand.”
“Don’t you? I’m shocked.” Madam Bree eyed her. “Half the nightmen, and even a few nightwomen, have been wanting a taste of you. Humans are rare and exotic. Gets people excited. And one as enticing as yourself—oh, don’t take my compliment personally, it is what the others feel, I know it—they long to get their share. But many—including Lord Tyris—don’t trust you, and for good reason. A wild thing like yourself is always plotting some escape. To think you might attack one of us out of nowhere is precisely why he keeps you in your place. Until you’re properly tamed, you won’t be allowed near the rest.”
And with that Madam Bree left her. Danielle could only stand there, stunned.
But deep down she was happy at the news. To know that some desired her was a step in the direction she needed. It gave her the courage to continue with her plan.
A couple more nights, Danielle went to serve in the great hall and, each time, she carefully observed the Night Lords in the shadows. They always had women with them and always left with several at their side. Only the wolf lord sometimes left alone.
After one full cycle of the moon, Danielle decided it was time to stop watching and to take action. When the wolf lord once again left without his female, Danielle made to follow him.
Carrying a tray with an assortment of food and drink, Danielle quietly crept down the tunnel way, glancing around every so often to make sure no one saw her. When she approached the wolf lord‘s door, she was thankful to find no guards. She tapped on the door and waited.
She heard movement within, followed by a low voice telling her to enter. With the tray in one hand, Danielle opened the door slowly and stepped into the shadowy room.
The wolf lord’s den was larger than most of the personal quarters Danielle had been allowed into, with a smooth oval ceiling and a few doors leading into other rooms. Antlers and animal skulls hung on the walls alongside unlit oil lamps; pelts adorned the ground and a massive fireplace sat at the back wall. A table with several knives, swords, and a crossbow was pushed to one side and, opposite it, was a large open bed, which sat on the ground.
Danielle stared at it for a long moment until she saw a shadow move beside the fireplace. It stopped to turn and look at her.
“What are you doing here?” the shadow growled.
Danielle tensed and clutched the tray with two hands. Fear suddenly snuck back into her. She almost turned to leave, forgetting why she had come, but she stopped herself in time and took a deep breath.
You can do this.
“Forgive me, my lord, I was told to serve you,” Danielle said softly.
“By who?” the shadow snapped.
Danielle panicked for a moment not sure how to answer. Instead, she walked over to the table and placed her tray on a space not occupied by sharp objects. She took another deep breath, then turned.
She gave the wolf lord the most seductive look she could muster. Though she wasn’t allowed to participate with the other nightwomen, she had made a point to observe them and their movements. The way they carried themselves and gave off an air of seduction. She tried to copy them as best as she could, forcing herself not to waver, in fear that any spell she weaved now was extremely fragile and would be instantly broken by the slightest hint of failed confidence.
She drifted towards him, then stopped short. “I want to please you, my lord. I have watched you these past few nights and... I desire you.” Danielle played off her innocence and lowered her head slightly, wrapping one arm over her chest. But her eyes did not falter away from his. And she bit her lip.
Though his face was shadowed, she could see his yellow eyes gleaming at her.
He did not move or say a word. She caught him staring down her body. Danielle took her chance at the silence and loosened her bra off her shoulders. The bra slipped from her with ease. She carefully set it down on the ground and waited.
The wolf lord tilted his head, then moved, not closer to her, but to the side.
“You weren’t sent here by one of the other lords?” he questioned in a low voice.
Danielle shook her head. “Are you upset, my lord?” Her eyes grew dark and she stepped closer. “Do you wish me to leave?”
The wolf lord said nothing and Danielle feared he would say yes. But his silence gave her courage. As did his lingering, hungry eyes.
Though she still felt tense and rigid in her movements, Danielle made to slip off her bikini bottom. When they fell to the ground, she heard the wolf lord hiss softly. She straightened and watched as his eyes narrowed and he bared his fangs as if the sight of her caused him physical pain.
“Gods,” he whispered.
Danielle stepped the rest of the way until she was right in front of him. He was large, a thick, muscular mass before her. She placed a hand on his chest and slowly let it fall downward. When she got to his stomach, the wolf lord gripped her wrist tight. Danielle flinched slightly and stilled.
“Lord Tyris has commanded us not to touch you,” he said. “I must obey him…”
Danielle nearly trembled, but she forced herself to remain calm. She locked eyes with him. “He needn’t know. I will keep it a secret.”
The wolf shook his head, but Danielle pushed her body against his and the wolf lord growled low.
“I... saw you return here alone. The nightwomen no longer satisfy you.” Danielle was surprised by her sudden confidence. As if the words coming from her were almost not hers, but some temptresses’. Adrenaline coursed through her and she felt the stirring of a now all too familiar heat.
She reached up and gently brought his face near to hers, bringing her lips close to his ear. “But I think I can make you howl.”
Danielle nipped his ear.
When she felt the wolf lord shiver, she backed away. “But... if you think we shouldn’t.” Danielle went to turn and the wolf lord caught her arm.
“No… wait.” The wolf lord brought her closer. But he still seemed uncertain, though she could now feel the thick length of him growing as he crushed her against him.
Danielle wrapped her arms around his waist and ground into him. “I won’t tell. Please. Let me pleasure you.” Though she thought to only do it to get what she needed from him for the key, in the back of her mind Danielle couldn’t hide how much she wanted him inside her. How deeply she longed to feel the familiar stroking and slick heat of a body beating into hers.
The wolf lord didn’t stop her as she untied the strap of his pants and freed his large arousal. She went down on her knees and gripped his length, bring the tip of him to her lips. She kissed his tip, then parted her lips, flicking her tongue over him.
The wolf lord groaned. He parted his legs in a soldier’s stance and watched as she took the length of him deep into her throat. Danielle stroked and sucked, letting her tongue glide over him. She could hear his deep growls and quick intakes of breath.
When his cock stirred in her mouth, he gripped her shoulders and pulled her away.
Confused, Danielle looked up at him. Wondering why he stopped her when he was about to come. Then she knew why. He stripped his clothes off, twisted her around and bent her over so that
she was on all fours. He parted her legs with his knees and drove the length of him into her. Danielle rose her head up and gasped. The sweet thickness of him filling her was unimaginable. She could feel every bit of him inside her, every stroke a wave of heat like nothing she ever felt. He gripped her rear and parted her more, then pounded down on her; each beat like pure ecstasy.
It didn’t take long for Danielle to come and, in whatever part of her brain still possessed coherent thought, she told herself she would have to work on lasting longer. At least the first time. She couldn’t stop the spasms from washing over her, not when she had been waiting so long. She lifted her head and cried out her pleasure without shame.
“Yes, yes!” Danielle cried breathlessly. “Harder!”
The wolf lord clamped to her thighs and thrust into her, smashing against her. He plunged so deep that Danielle could feel his balls smacking against her core, his hips hitting her bottom. Her arms began to suffer the weight, Danielle went down on her elbows and spread her legs out farther, her breasts pressing against the fur rug.
Danielle was nearly crushed to the ground as his weight came down on her, the wolf lord growling and snarling like a wild animal behind her.
With one last thrust, he came deep inside her and roared. Danielle felt him throbbing as his hot need spilled into her. He came and came and didn’t stop and eventually the feeling of his throbs made Danielle’s insides tighten once again.
“Oh, I’m coming again.” She breathed. Danielle felt goosebumps along her skin and her nipples grow hard as they grazed against the rug. Her center clenched around his stone-hard length in a tight heat that licked up her core and lower stomach.
When the orgasm passed, Danielle collapsed under him and he too lifted his body, his cock slipping out of her, still spilling some of his need on to her tight center. Danielle lay motionless for a moment, her body relaxing as if turning into sand.
She felt a hand on her back but didn’t stir.
“Damn Lord Tyris for keeping you from us.” She heard the wolf lord growl behind her. “I have never felt such pleasure. I would mate you until the moon stopped rising.”
Danielle laughed a little, though she admitted she didn’t dislike the idea. She rose slowly and sat up on her knees. She could feel liquid pouring out between her legs, but she didn’t mind. She looked over to his bed and pointed. “May I lie with you tonight, my lord?”
The wolf lord rose and stood before her. When Danielle looked up, her eyes widened but kept the gasp from escaping her lips.
The wolf lord’s appearance had turned more bestial. Though he still held a human form, his legs bent slightly forward and were longer than before, as were his arms where they now showed off sharp claws. His eyes were larger and his teeth longer. His face seemed to hold in place a semi-permanent snarl.
But for all these awakened features, the one that stuck out for Danielle the most were the tufts of fur that grew out from his legs and arms. Danielle stared at him in wonder. Eyeing each feature with great interest. The wolf lord too peered down at her as he hovered over her like a dominant alpha. He lowered himself onto the bed in front of him and sat at its edge. He spread his legs out and Danielle saw his length thicken once again.
“You may lie with me,” he said and leaned back, propping himself up on his elbows. Danielle slowly stood up and went to him. She placed herself between his legs and mounted him. The wolf lord laid fully back on the bed as Danielle shifted on top of him.
“More, girl?” he said, his eyes flashing bright up at her.
“More,” Danielle moaned. She took his length and pushed it back inside her.
As she ground and bounced on top of him, Danielle suddenly noticed some strange energy flowing through her. A power stirring in her veins like little waves of electricity. It pulsed and weaved through her, gathering at her core and around her nipples. She felt a fire lick through her, pulsating.
As she climaxed again on top of him, the wave of energy surged through her. She lifted her head back and gasped as she felt fire rip through every part of her, her body spasming and tightening, bringing her senses to new heights.
The wolf lord snored softly beside her. Danielle watched as his chest rose and fell against her hand. She lay against him, his body warm and inviting. She watched him for a moment longer, then slowly sat up. She eyed him carefully as she got from the bed and crept over to the table with the knives. Carefully she picked up a small, lighthanded dagger and turned back to the bed. Danielle looked over the wolf lord’s lovely body and sighed. She felt calm. Calmer than she had in many, many moons. The ache that had driven her to madness the last several nights had finally disappeared; her body sated. For now.
Danielle crouched down beside the wolf lord, her eyes flitting over his arms. She could see the fur still there, now risen like spikes. She clamped a small bit of fur with two fingers and, with a quick slice, cut the piece off with a tiny rip.
The wolf lord stirred only a little, but Danielle wasn’t afraid. She set the dagger down and took a vial hanging from her neck and twisted off the cap. She took the bits of fur and placed them inside the vial and closed it back up.
Taking the dagger, Danielle crept back over to the table and put it back just like it had been before. Then she put her clothes back on, took up her tray and went for the door. She looked back one last time at the peacefully sleeping lord, smiled, then left the room.
Chapter 7
“You run off like that again, girl, and you’ll be whipped, do you here?” Madam Bree pointed a finger in Danielle’s face. “You know you don’t leave the great hall until everyone else.”
“Yes, Madam,” Danielle said, her eyes cast to the ground, head bowed as if ashamed of her disobedience. But inside, Danielle was ecstatic. Gaining the first ingredient had been easier than expected and she found herself growing less afraid, more confident like Sheek had predicted. As she made her apology again to Madam Bree, she silently thought out her next plan of attack.
“You’ll be serving the others in the servant’s hall for the rest of the evening and will not be permitted to leave until next moonrise. Damn if Lord Tyris wasn’t right about you humans. Sneaky, ungrateful things.” Madam Bree huffed and scuttled away, leaving Danielle to her duties.
Danielle didn’t complain. In fact, she was more grateful than Madam Bree knew. She needed a rest after her encounter with the wolf lord and she had a favor to ask of Yuli, who also happened to be resting in the gathering room.
Danielle approached Yuli as she lounged on a cushion and the nightwoman looked up at her with an arched brow.
“Yuli, I was wondering if you could help me with something…” Danielle asked.
“Oh gods, tell me this doesn’t have to do with your silly fascination with Magik again, I’m sick of these questions,” Yuli said. She plucked a piece of fruit from a bowl next to her and popped it into her mouth.
Danielle shook her head. “No, actually I was wondering if you could teach me how to be…” Danielle wasn’t sure how to say it without Yuli possibly laughing at her. “That is, I was hoping you could help me be…”
“Oh, spit it out, girl,” Yuli said. She took a seed of the fruit from her mouth and flung it into the bowl.
“I want to be more seductive. Like the others.” Danielle felt her face grow slightly hot but didn’t look away as Yuli stopped and gazed up at her in shock.
“More seductive?”
“Yes, and more confident.”
She waited for Yuli to burst into laughter but it never came. Instead, Yuli stood up and looked her over curiously. “So you finally want to join us?”
Danielle nodded. Though her time with the wolf lord had been successful, she could still detect a measure of uncertainty and timidness. If she wanted any chance of seducing the other lords without flinching or becoming rigid, she needed to learn how to be less afraid.
A smile played on Yuli’s lips. “Alright, girl, I’ll teach you. This could be rather
fun, actually. I’ve never had a pupil before.” Yuli took hold of Danielle’s hand and lead her away.
For the next couple of moons, Yuli taught Danielle everything she knew. How to display her body in the most pleasing way, how to touch someone at the right time, how to flirt and tease and, most of all, how to pleasure, even with the lightest contact.
“And physical stimulation isn’t everything,” Yuli stated as she and Danielle sat together on a velvet couch. “You must speak in a voice that is soothing and pleasing and hints at your want. Men like to hear a woman’s pleasure. And your voice is only one tool. Your eyes can say more with one look, remember that.”
Along with her advice, Yuli showed Danielle many tricks, and soon others joined in. A male servant named Kern guided her hand to the places sensitive to the touch and the acts that would make many men crumble. The other women became enthusiastic to give their own personal advice as well.
“Mirrors do wonders for some who like to watch,” advised a nightwoman named Rita.
“Many don’t just like to give pain themselves, they usually like it in return,” said another woman named Fyre.
Danielle soaked in all the knowledge, astonished at some of the things they told her. She had always been rather vanilla back home, but the lessons they taught her could make even her crude ex-boyfriends blush.
Danielle served the servants while they educated her until the following moonrise when Madam Bree finally let her leave the servant’s hall.
“I want you running around that great hall like your feet are on fire, do you hear me? And every single Lord and Lady better have wine in their hands.” Madam Bree eyed Danielle’s clothes. “I think it’s time we fixed your look as well.”
Danielle was changed out of her emerald attire and put into one of sheer white instead, with pearls and silver gems inlaid into the bra top and the hip straps. Delicate sets of pearl strings fell down her back and between her legs.